Courage and Conquering Fears

So today I conquered one of my biggest fears, needles. My school had a blood drive today and I decided that I would donate seeing as it was for a good cause. I signed up about an hour before I was supposed to give blood leaving me little time to back out. (Although it still cross my mind a few times) I very nervously left my study hall and met my friend, who had donated blood before, in the lobby we went to the bus set up in our school parking lot. Anxiously, I answered the health questions and sat in the chair. The nurses were extremely kind and understanding and they talked to me through the entire process. If I started to feel anxious I would think about the people I would be helping with my donation and it made the process a lot easier to handle. 2015 is shaping up to be a big year for me personally and conquering fears, goals, and struggles everyday has given me a positive outlook and drive to push through hard times and stay motivated. I can proudly say I helped 3 lives today and conquered my fear of needles. Anything is possible with a little courage and a lot of encouragement.
“Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared.”

“Bikini Ready”

Everyone has goals; Wether they be academic, fitness, or anything else, they’re all personal. One goal I’ve set up for myself has a near approaching deadline. I want a “bikini body” for a school cruise coming up in February. But really what is a “bikini body”? It is a hard question to answer. What most often comes to mind are beautifully tanned and toned swimsuit models. But having a bikini body is so much more than looking good. Being bikini ready involves a certain level of confidence many girls, and even grown women, lack because of how they are told their bodies should look. What should replace wanting the perfect body is being perfectly content with yourself and the way you feel. Everyone should be able to be comfortable in their own skin no matter what type of clothing.
“Confidence is the best makeup a girl can wear.”


Moving away and motivation

With the realization of my senior year being nearly half completed, it is inevitable that in the coming months I’ll need to think more and more about my future. Senior year so far has been amazing but thinking about some of the things I’ll miss once I’m out on my own. I can’t wait to get out of my small town and move somewhere bigger and better. But with moving on will come moving away. One big concern I have for going away to school next year, is getting out of shape. Crossfit has allowed me to be in the best shape of my life so far and it’s all thanks to the amazing community of people at our gym. However I’ve been spoiled with the close knit community and motivation crossfit has given me. Theres always a trainer there to instruct me on how to use equipment properly, correct me when I’m doing something wrong, and push me when I don’t believe in myself. While yes most colleges have state of the art gyms, I’m afraid I’ll lose my motivation and the feeling of actually enjoying my time at the gym. It’s all a matter of how I will function on my own and it will be interesting to see how I end up! I’m looking forward to college but know deep down that I’ll miss my little box family.
“Let yourself move to the next chapter in life when the time comes; Don’t let yourself remain stuck on the same page.”

Musical and Midterms and College… Oh my!

So whoever said junior year was the hardest year of high school was right. But what that person forgot to add was that senior year can be incredibly stressful. In addition to trying to fit exercise into my schedule, I have practice for a musical at school, six midterm exams next week, and pending acceptances (or rejections but I’m trying to stay optimistic) from four of the six colleges I’ve applied to. Academic-wise senior year hasn’t been awful. However extra curriculars take a toll on my mentally and physically (as well as seriously cutting into my workout time). While musical is still in the beginning stages of rehearsal, in a matter of weeks that will quickly change to everyday after school from three thirty until eight pm leaving little to no time for homework let alone working out. The days I do have off from studying or rehearsal I usually want to spend relaxing and the hardest part is choosing to not watch the next episode of dance moms, get up, and get to the gym. Finally with college comes a whole host of anxiety. I’ve developed a routine of repeatedly checking the mail and my email religiously. I’ve also resorted to a few superstitions such as drinking out of my Villanova mug every morning and sleeping with my Pitt blanket every night. It may sound crazy but if I’m not hearing from them until March I’m allowed to be a little insane. All in all, the juggling of tasks can be stressful at times but I have an hour to yourself just for exercise and nothing else can really can help clear your mind and keep you focused on what’s important.
~ Brenna
“My anxieties have anxieties”